
Showing posts from February, 2018

Arrival and The Free-Will Defense

While I am no film critic, in my opinion, the 2016 film Arrival was brilliant. The story line was fascinating, it was nominated for an Academy Award for Cinematography, and it won the Award for Best Sound Editing. If you have not seen the movie yet you need to stop reading this and go watch the movie, because there will be spoilers! This past weekend at church I was teaching the first part of an apologetics class on the Problem of Evil. The aim of the first class was to demonstrate how difficult the Problem of Evil is especially when we consider the doctrine of God's providence. (Here are two posts which outline the challenges regarding providence: Part 1 and Part 2 ). In the next class we will look to interact with some of the defenses which Christians have put forward for handling the Problem of Evil. Perhaps the most common defense put forward is that of the Free-Will Defense. C. S. Lewis argued for this approach by stating that if someone is free to be good then they ar...