Law vs. Gospel
I have come to believe that, sadly, most churches today have been assuming the gospel. Even the best Bible believing and teaching churches have allowed the gospel to play second fiddle to various other things. Many of these things are good things, for example my own church background proclaims that we are to keep, "The main thing, the main thing" referring to teaching straight through the Bible. However, in many cases teaching "line upon line" has caused us to treat Bible teaching as something that can (and/or should) be leveraged over and above the gospel. This is so grieving because it means that we have reduced the gospel to something that get's us in, but doesn't keep us and grow us. I have come to agree with Tim Keller when he says, "The gospel is not the ABC's of Christianity, it is the A-Z's." In this post I want to propose a way of viewing Scripture as a twofold breakdown of Law and Gospel. Martin Luther, Theodore Beza and many o...