Please Stop the Newspaper Eschatology!
This is a subject that has really grieved me at times because it has, on occasion, seemed to be a focus of theology that can turn our eyes away from the ultimate purpose of worship which I discussed in the last post. While eschatology is very important, it seems that it has been made the main focus, or even the only area of theological study for many Christians. I know many Christians that can tell you extensive information about eschatology, they can take you to the verses and argue for the pre-trib rapture, the seven year great tribulation, the war of Gog and Magog etc. But sadly many of these same people would be hard pressed to expound their knowledge of the attributes of God: His goodness, righteousness and wrath, knowledge, power, etc. And I know very few Christians that have had any contact with the more abstract things found from studying the doctrine of God such as His transcendence and immanence, necessity, aseity, Trinity, etc., and yet some of these doctrines ar...